dog scratching fleasThis year’s early spring has sprung us a lot of patients with allergy woes. The mildest allergy symptoms in pets are similar to humans, including sneezing, watery eyes, and mild itchiness. Chronic skin and/or ear infections may indicate severe allergies. Either way, allergies make for a miserable spring!
But what is your pet allergic to? Sometimes it’s obvious, and other times a diagnosis requires an elimination diet or a blood test. The top three allergies that we see are…
1. Fleas, please and no, thank you. This one absolutely ranks as the number one allergy seen at Town N Country, even when clients say “My wee dog only goes outside to potty” or “Our kitties are indoors.” Tenacious fleas work their way into your house more easily than you can imagine – especially with warm, cold and warm again weather.
2. Allergies on the Menu. Food allergies commonly plague many furry patients. A good beginning would be to discuss your pet’s medical history and life habits with your vet to find the best solution. Sometimes a food trial is necessary. Once the allergen has been identified, products like Hills ZD and Purina HA (Hypoallergenic) bring welcome results.

3. A Product of the Environment.
Your pet can be susceptible to the same allergens that bother you. Believe it or not, we tested one of our nurse’s dogs, and he was allergic to her cat! A blood test tells the tale and gives us the necessary information to treat.
Finding a Treatment Plan.
The first thing that we want to do is alleviate the pain, itchiness or other symptoms. A combination of antihistamines, steroids, antibiotics, antifungals can usually bring relief.
If symptoms are treated without determining and eliminating the underlying allergy, symptoms will return. At Town N Country, we use a holistic approach, treating pet’s symptoms as we work to discover the real culprit.
If your pet is itching and scratching or showing signs of an ear or skin infection, give us a call. Whether it is allergies or something else, we’ll get to the bottom of the issue so your pet can spring into the season without being sprung with the misery of allergies.