Miracle is a ginger-colored cat that purrs easily. When she was diagnosed with GI lymphoma, she was given a very poor prognosis of 3-6 months.

Her owners made the decision to treat her with radiation and chemotherapy, and Miracle responded very well. It’s been 3 years since she was initially diagnosed, and she’s living proof that a name matters! Her owners continue to bring her in to Town N Country for her routine abdominal ultrasounds.

Whenever Miracle comes in, she’s doted on and congratulated for living up to her marvelous, miraculous name.
She’s just one example of the cancer patients treated at Town N Country Animal Hospital. For each case, the vets and staff spend a lot of time with the family and discuss treatment options, prognosis and quality of life issues. Both Dr. King and Dr. Bolynn have supported clients by a range of treatment plans, from the most conservative to holistic to even aggressive therapy.

For most owners, the best plan is probably a customized combination of several types of therapy. Years of care for cancer patients have supplied us with a combination of happy and sad stories. Employees have held a lot of hands (and paws) and worked hard to assure as much comfort as possible.

When you make decisions regarding chemo, surgery or palliative care, you need support – which may be as complex as reviewing the most recent research on your pet’s health issue or as simple as providing a quiet place to cry.

Our Town N Country staff can also put you in touch with the local hospice for its recovery support center or a grief support group. It’s our sincere wish that you never need these particular services; however, you have a good resource should you need it.

If you have any questions regarding your pet, please don’t hesitate to contact the vets at Town N Country. And don’t forget to set up your pet’s routine yearly exam and shots! Scheduled routine check-ups are a great way to monitor your pet’s health.