We saw the cutest missive in our outbox the other day, and (please don’t tell) we decided to share it with you, because, the writers of the letter need your help, and we don’t want anybody to be disappointed! Bring in your pet for a nail trim, and…well, just read the letter:
Hey Big Kitties!
We heard that over at Carolina Tiger Rescue your handlers need some gloves. Well, gloves are something we know a little about! You see, our doctors and technicians use them all the time. We decided we wanted to help! Here’s the deal…for each nail trim our staff completes during May 27th – June 8th, we’ve convinced our 2-legged staff to donate 50 pairs of gloves.
We’re hoping to send you more gloves than you’ll use in a year…they do a lot of nail trims!
Much love to our bigger neighbors,
Your Furry, Feathered, and Scaled Friends at Town ‘N’ Country Animal Hospital
Want to help?! Give us a call today and schedule your trim.