Cold Weather? Practical Ideas to Keep Your Dog (and You) Moving
We want to help your pet live a long, healthy life - no matter the weather. Here are some ideas...
We want to help your pet live a long, healthy life - no matter the weather. Here are some ideas...
If your tabby is tubby, or your puppy is pudgy, enter our contest to lose - and maybe win a complete spa package! Learn more...
Do you have your sneakers on yet?? Getting fit with your dog can be a lot of fun – and can certainly lead to fabulous. Read more...
It's lots of fun, will challenge your dog's body and mind, and it's great for you, too! Learn more...
Is your normal alarm clock the unmistakable aroma of doggie breath wafting over you? Walking first thing is how many dog owners start the day, but even the best laid plans can run into complications and interruptions. How do you cope? Here are a few ideas to overcome any stumbling in your dog's exercise [...]
Happy New Year! We hope you had a super holiday, and that you're facing a wonderful new year. How many resolutions have you made for the year? And for us - the bigger question is - have you made any resolutions for you and your pet?! We'd love for you to share those resolutions with [...]
We're starting off the new year right with a new weight loss program for our patients - we'll walk your dog and/or exercise your cat for you!