environmental allergiesIt’s true: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This year, resolve to do the small preventative things that add up to huge healthy benefits for your pet – and for you.

For Cats:
Flea Prevention. Fleas are present all year round, and in cold temperatures, they look for warm places…like your indoor (or outdoor!) cat.

Routine Dewormings. Indoor and outdoor cats should be dewormed regularly. Almost all cats become infested with worms at some point in their lives.

For Dogs:
Flea prevention. Again, fleas are no respecter of seasons. They thrive all year long, especially in the South. If you’ve ever had fleas on your pet – or in your house, you’ll agree that the prevention is a lot easier than the cure!

Heartworm prevention. There are several easy options to prevent this mosquito-borne disease. It’s hard – and expensive – to cure heartworms. We’re going to be talking more about heartworm prevention in February, and asking you to ‘cross your heart’ and promise to give your dog this basic, life-saving prevention.

Routine fecal analysis. Every year, we recommend that your dog be screened for parasites. If you have an older pet, senior lab panels can help us to gauge your pet’s health.
So this year, make a resolution. Promise yourself that you’ll do these simple, easy things that will keep your pet healthy and happy in 2017- and beyond.