It’s Trivia Time on the Town N Country Facebook page! For the next couple of weeks, watch your Facebook stream for all sorts of fun questions. At the end of each day, we’ll post the correct answer – so you won’t have to lie awake at night wondering.
We’ll be watching the answers, and if you answer the most answers correctly…you’ll be hearing from us. 😉
Now, Facebook is fickle, and they might not show you all the trivia questions. So to make SURE that see all the questions, you need to do this:
1. Go to and look for the “Like” button. If you’ve already liked us, it will say “Liked”. (Clever – yes?)
2. Hover over the button, and click on “Show in News Feed” in the little drop down menu.
The last question we’re going to ask is very special, so make sure you stay tuned!
See you on Facebook!