You know the telltale signs. The scratching. The bites. The little flecks of blood. And then you actually see one…scurrying away, or springing up at you…you have fleas.
Even at Halloween? Unfortunately, cooler weather doesn’t automatically wipe out fleas, so don’t give up your pet’s flea prevention treatment just because it’s fall. If you postpone or forget, your furry baby won’t be protected from the disaster-invoking, blood-sucking, parasitic varmints in your neighborhood.
At Town N Country, many dogs and cats come in with fleas –and it can happen almost any time of year. It’s no reflection of your housekeeping abilities, because fleas can make their way into any house. Once inside, persistent fleas have been known to take up residence in the cracks of hard wood floors until a suitable host rambles past.
Even Creepier. Fleas may seem anti-climactic, but when a pet with fleas goes untreated, the results can be a slow, blood-draining death. Especially vulnerable are the very young or very old pets. Pets with fleas are also at risk for:
• Bartonella. Also called Cat Scratch Fever, this can be passed on to humans from cats with the strain. It also can be transmitted by a flea or tick bite. Lab blood work will confirm Bartonella which requires antibiotic treatment.
• Flea Anemia. The cat or dog that doesn’t scratch but has an infestation of fleas continually loses blood. Your vet can test for damage and recommend the best intervention.
• Flea Allergic Dermatitis. You may see hot spots on a dog or cat where they have bitten and scratched the hair – and even the skin – off. These could indicate an allergy to flea bites. Recommended treatment focuses on ridding fleas from the cat or dog as well as their environment.
Even Handed. But don’t stress when you discover that your dog or cat has fleas as the solution’s fairly straight forward. At Town N Country, your pet will receive proper treatment that will drive out the fleas and keep them from ever coming back. Currently our best products for flea prevention are Vectra, Trifexis, and Capstar. Call to set up an appointment; let’s discuss what’s best for your pet. The right treatment can take the horror out of your next Halloween.