So many people (and even other animals) are allergic to cats, that sometimes we forget that cats can have allergies, too. Similar to humans, cats with allergies sneeze and wheeze and scratch and itch. Sometimes their eyes run, and sometimes they get ear infections. They may even have diarrhea or vomiting.
What are they allergic to? There are three main “Cat”egories:
Cat 1. Fleas. All cats are susceptible to fleas. Roaming around outside they can get them from your yard or from other animals. Indoor cats can also get fleas that you (yes, you) bring into the house. What makes matters worse is that even a cat who is treated for fleas can get bitten. The flea will die if the cat is on an appropriate preventative like Revolution, but the bite can deposit flea saliva that will cause an allergic reaction.
Cat 2. Food. Cats who have allergies to food usually have digestive issues and/or scratch their heads and necks. If we suspect food allergies, we can help you do an elimination trial to find out for sure.
Cat 3. Environment. Just like you, your cat may be allergic to things in the environment. Outside, she may have a problem with grass, pollen, or other organic substances. Inside, the issue may be mold, home chemicals, or even essential oils. Sometimes your kitty can even be allergic to things that are supposed to keep him safe, like tick and flea prevention or prescription drugs.
What Should You Do?
To combat fleas, we recommend Revolution®. It not only kills fleas, it also kills ticks, treats internal parasites, mange, and ear mites. It prevents heartworm disease, too. If food proves to be the issue, we’ll help interpret the results of the food trial and make a plan for a long term hypoallergenic diet. For immediate symptoms from the itchy pruritis, we recommend a visit to determine how best to help.
If you suspect allergies in your kitty, give us a call. We’ll help you get to the root of the problem, get immediate relief, and work with you to rid the allergen so your cat will feel better again!