sparkle cat logo textVery soon you can PURRRRchase organic cat nip toys for your sweet kitty, and all the money raised will go to Sparkle Cat Rescue. The non-profit organization does not have an office location and is completely run by CATegorically dedicated volunteers.
These fabulous toys are handmade right here in Burlington, NC and are a great CATch at $3 each or 2 for $5. They’re made from fleece which has been very popular so far with our cats. (Maybe it’s just a FELINE — but we think your kitty’s going to love them. )
100% of the catnip toy proceeds help with the costs of spaying/neutering, vaccinations, combo testings, necessary emergency medical care, and food and supplies for cats waiting to be adopted into their forever homes. (Have you seen those sweet faces?? Call me CATsonova – I think I’m in love.)

You can find these popular cat-friendly accessories at the following local businesses:
Town N Country Animal Hospital (That’s us!)
The Main Line
Point of View Art Gallery
Whitsett Goin Postal
You can also like Sparkle Cat Rescue on Facebook and keep up to date on PAWsome events, creative fundraisers, and the coolest cats in North Carolina.
Or go directly to Sparkle Cat Rescue’s website.
Our Town N Country friends are always wonFURfully generous when in comes to helping cats in need. Thank you for being so PURRRific!