What Are Those Big Brown Eyes Saying?
The best way to love your dog or cat is to feed them well – which means a balanced, nutritious diet. Read more
The best way to love your dog or cat is to feed them well – which means a balanced, nutritious diet. Read more
Keeping your cat happy and healthy is fairly straightforward with regular check-ups, a good diet and exercise. Unfortunately a simple oversight could lead to tragedy. A sad example is the sudden death of one of our patients, a completely indoor cat. The recent necropsy performed in our hospital revealed heartworm disease. Stop that Mosquito! It [...]
We haven't talked a lot about RAW lately, but that doesn't mean we don't still love it! RAW is an amazing way to feed your pet, and we've seen its benefits over and over. So we were happy to see a coupon that we can pass along to you: When you purchase any Instinct Kibble, you'll get $3.00 off one Nature's Variety Instinct RAW, RAW Bone, or RAW Boost product of any variety and any size (excluding trial). The coupon is good through May 31, 2012.
For your house, you alone know the answer, but in most homes, the answer is more than one. According to the American Humane Association, most cat lovers choose to live with more than one cat. The average cat-loving family lives with 2.1 cats. What's right for you? Are you considering introducing another cat to your [...]