Pinterest® Pet Portrait Contest

This contest is now closed. Celebrate back to school with a contest just for kids! Town 'N' Country is holding a pet portrait competition - where children will send us their artwork of a favorite pet. We'll put the pictures on Pinterest® for voting. The winners will receive a pack of four tickets to the [...]

Bark for Life: How You and Your Dog Can Save Lives!

Bark for Life! How You and Your Dog Can Save Lives Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, Bark for Life is an exciting, canine event to help in the fight against cancer. Don't miss Alamance County's first Bark for Life at Cedarock Park on August 13th from 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. To participate in the Bark [...]

Tweet, Tweet!

Twitter is one of the fasting growing social networking sites around, and although we at Town N Country don't always jump on the bandwagon, there was no way we could ignore something that tweets. Seriously - we do treat birds, you know. (Note that we considered saying that we "Tweet" birds, but decided it was [...]

Win a Dyson! (No, Not a Daschund)

You may have seen this on our Facebook page, but we don't want you to miss the news about your chance to win a Dyson DC24 vacuum cleaner! All you have to do is come by the clinic and purchase Sentinel heartworm and flea prevention medicine before June 30, 2010 and you'll be registered to [...]

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