Bryce in car with MommySome vacations don’t seem like vacations unless your dog’s along for the ride or your cat’s booked to go with you on the flight. What’s the secret to a fun, pet-friendly vacation? Take a look at 10 top tips for keeping the long and winding road more pleasant for the whole family:
1. Carry Me Back to Old Virginny. Carriers provide a comfortable, safe way for your pet to travel. The surrounding crate feels familiar to your dog or cat. Tuck in a favorite toy or pillow for a little reassurance.
2. 24 Hours from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Before you blaze a trail across country, try a short trip or two first to help your pet become accustomed to travel by car.
3. Walking in Memphis. Wherever you wander, don’t leave your pet in a parked car. Temperatures inside a parked car rise quickly and put your pet in danger of overheating in a very short time.
4. Leaving on a Jet Plane. When all your bags are packed and you’re ready to go, make sure your pet’s accessories are too. A leash, special food, daily meds and a small first aid kid can help your pet handle the differences that travel brings whether by plane or by car.
5. Loco in Acapulco. Even seasoned travelers can feel stressed. AdaptilTM, available at Town ‘N’ Country, can help. AdaptilTM collars and sprays encourage diffusion of pheromones, hormones released by lactating mammals to comfort and soothe.
6. Sweet Home Alabama. Wherever home is, a microchip can help ensure your pet’s returned to you should the unthinkable happen and you’re separated.
7. Texas Tea. Tummy trouble can plague a pet on the open highway or the friendly skies. Offering only bottled water rather than tap water can help.
8. A Side of Buffalo Wings. Give your pet a light meal three to four hours prior to your departure. Even on a longer trip, don’t feed your pet in a moving vehicle
9. The Houston Chronicle. Bringing along a copy of vaccination records is a prudent idea. While you hope to never have to pull them out, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
10. Flying Carpet. Are you and your pet frequent road trippers? If so, you might want to invest in rubberized floor liners and waterproof seat covers.
Whether you’re California dreamin’ or headed to Graceland, you may want to stop by Town N Country before you go. You can make sure all immunizations are up to date and talk to your vet about any medications your pet may need to travel before it’s time to say good bye.

PS Bonus hint…Maybe your pet would rather opt for

  1. Feels Like Home. At Kitty Condo and Canine Camp, your pet can stay at home with us! For those pets who just aren’t good travelers, and for those trips that wouldn’t be a great fit for a pet, our boarding facility is a great place to leave your pet!