aaha 300Pour the lemonade and pass the kibble because Town N Country has been re-accredited with AAHA!
If you’re wondering what that means, you’ll be pleased to discover that Town N Country has once again successfully met a stringent set of evaluations set by the American Animal Hospital Association or AAHA. The organization itself was founded in the 1930’s when a group of veterinarians created standards for common guidelines, practices and procedures for veterinary hospitals.
Good for Us. Good for You. When a set of nearly 900 challenging benchmarks has been accomplished by an animal hospital like Town N Country, you can be assured of the best quality care and up-to-date procedures for your pets. The accreditation program assists veterinary hospitals so they can incorporate a high standard into everyday procedures.
Staff members from participant hospitals (like us!) perpetually improve their professional skills, and entire communities can benefit from the commitment to team-building and excellence.
AAHA Accreditation places Town N Country within the top hospitals in the United States and Canada. So if your dog wags her tail a bit harder and your kitty purrs just a bit louder, we’re going to assume that it’s their way of saying thanks for making sure that we’re giving them the upper echelon of care they’ve always deserved.