While we all know dental health is important for our furry family members, did you know it’s also very important for reptiles as well? Bearded dragons are a common household pet and have special dentition. Like some other reptiles, they have acrodont teeth, meaning their teeth do not have roots, but are fused at the base to their jaws. Some frogs and fish also have acrodont teeth.
It’s very important to ensure that a bearded dragon’s teeth stay clean and healthy. Like humans, they are susceptible to tartar and gingivitis. Left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to health problems.
The most important part of dental hygiene is maintaining an appropriate diet, a mixture of plant based and insect based food rich in calcium and Vitamin D. You can clean teeth using a cotton tip applicator dipped in warm water or a diluted chlorhexidine solution every 2-3 days. Don’t use human toothpaste, of course!
At Town N Country, we can also “brush” – or scale – their teeth if they have excessive plaque buildup.
A little care goes a long way in ensuring your bearded dragon’s dental health! Inspect your bearded dragon’s teeth regularly. Look for signs of infection, damage, or abnormal growth. Schedule regular checkups for your bearded dragon so that we can catch any dental issues early.