vectraTown N Country, we always want you to have the very best for your pet. That’s why some of you may have noticed that for our canine patients, we have begun to recommend Vectra 3D over Frontline and K9 Advantix. We’d like to tell you why we’ve chosen Vectra 3D.
Why we’ve changed. Here’s why we recommend that dog owners make the switch. First of all, Vectra 3D has a unique formula that we deem to be superior to anything else currently available. It kills and repels six different types of common parasites that can spread serious diseases to dogs: fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, sand flies, mites, and lice.
Let’s compare… Compared to K9 Advantix, we like that Vectra 3D controls fleas in all four stages of a flea life cycle (adult, eggs, larvae, and pupae). Controlling fleas in the non-adult stages will not only make Vectra 3D more effective in the short run, it will help avoid the development of a populations of fleas resistant to insecticides. In addition, K9 Advantix does not repel lice, and it does not kill or repel mites.
Compared to Frontline Plus, we like how Vectra 3D has repellants to six different parasites. Frontline Plus repels nothing and takes 24-48 hours to kill fleas. This gives parasites more of an opportunity to infect your dog. The slow action and lack of repellant may be why so many people think Frontline resistant populations are developing. Like K9 Advantix, Frontline plus does not kill mites or sand flies.
A couple more positives. Vectra 3D costs the same as or a little less than Frontline. AND Vectra 3D is not only made in the United States – it’s made in North Carolina! You’ll be supporting our local economy in more ways that one.
How to Use Vectra 3D Vectra 3D works like Frontline in that you apply an oil to the dog’s skin, and the oil spreads through the dog’s fat cells to protect the whole body. The next time you need to buy flea and tick control for your dog, stop by and pick up Vectra 3D.
A note for cat owners. Do not put Vectra 3D for dogs on cats. It is perfectly safe for dogs using Vectra 3D to be around cats. However, one of the active ingredients in Vectra 3D for dogs is Permethrin. Even a small amount of Permethrin is toxic to cats in two to 48 hours. For cats we advise Revolution.
Got a question you’re itching to ask? As always, if you have any questions about Vectra 3D or about the parasite control product you are currently using, give us a call. We’ll be happy to talk to you and answer any questions you might have!