Cold weather seems to be playing on repeat lately, but we promise you that next up on the playlist is warm weather! Unfortunately, even spring has its sour notes…and by that we mean fleas. So here’s a practice sheet on how to recognize if your pet has fleas, and what to do if she does:

How do you know your dog or cat has fleas? These songs have some clues:

1. Cat Scratch Fever. A dog or cat that continually scratches himself could have fleas. Even one bite annoys your pet, and more bites can keep her very, very nervous and busy.
2. The Lady in Red. Dermatitis (hair loss, erythema, scabbing or oozing) at the tail or neck is the most common visible symptom of fleas.
3. Baby Do You Wanna Bump. If you see red bumps or pimples around areas where the hair is thin, it could be fleas.
4. Every Time I See You. Combing your pet’s fur with a fine toothed flea comb that makes contact with your pet’s skin may help you see fleas more easily.

If you find that your pet has fleas, you’ll have to switch to a different station:

1. Dr. My Eyes. When your pet experiences itchiness, red bumps, or watery eyes, we may prescribe antihistamines, steroids, antibiotics or antifungals. We also routinely prescribe Apoquel.
2. Hit the Road Jack. Prevent recurrence by minimizing the chance of flea exposure.
a. I Just Died in Your Arms. When you treat your pet with Simparica® Trio or Triflexis, fleas will take one bite and their mouths will be paralyzed. Within 30 minutes, the flea is dead.  Talk to us about which approach is best for your pet.
b. Green Green Grass of Home. Depending on the case, we may recommend environmental treatment for your house and/or yard.
c. You’re Not Welcome Here. Vectra 3D® provides broad spectrum protection against a variety of parasites like ticks, mosquitoes, lice, biting flies, and fleas. Similarly, Simparica Trio® protects dogs against ticks & fleas, heartworm disease, roundworms, and hookworms. If your pet is highly allergic to fleas, one of these options would provide consistent protection.

One solution you won’t find us singing about is flea dip. It effectively rids your pet of fleas on your pet right now, but does nothing to prevent a new batch of fleas from jumping on and biting.

Spring could mean fleas, but it doesn’t have to. Call us today and set up a time to come in and have a jam session about what might be causing your Elvis to be crooning a bit flat.