christmas stocking decorated with praying angelFrom the very first, Christmas has been about giving. Last week, we saw a beautiful demonstration of the spirit of giving here in the waiting room at Town N Country.
It started when one of our customers brought in his dog, who was suffering from a painfully swollen ear. The dog needed pain medication and steroids in the short term, and very likely would need surgery if the swelling didn’t go away. We gave the owner a treatment estimate, but he said that he was not going to be able to do anything until after the New Year.
The gentleman had recently lost his job, was already behind on his rent, and if he didn’t pay it, he was going to be evicted. So he made an appointment for the first of the year and took his dog home.
When he left, another customer who had been waiting to pick up her dog approached us and said that she had overheard the conversation, and asked how much was needed to start immediate treatment. We told her, and she took out a checkbook and wrote us a check to cover the cost. She wished her gift to be anonymous, but couldn’t think of a better way to spend her money.
When we called the dog’s owner and told him what had happened, he began to cry. “She’s a Christmas angel!” he told us.
We couldn’t agree more. This story of giving reminds us of this timeless verse:
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40
Merry Christmas from all of us at Town N Country Animal Hospital. May your giving and receiving this Season be blessed.