Knowing how much to feed your pet doesn’t require advanced math, but there is a very basic unit of measurement involved. When we tell you how much kibble to give Paschal, we probably are going to tell you in cups.

Defining cup. That’s where problems begin. When we say cup, we mean the amount of food it takes to exactly fill a one cup dry measure. That’s the same cup you use to measure a cup of flour when you’re baking a cake.

To show our work, this cup is just right, and the right amount of food is in it:

exactly a cup

This is exactly a cup.


Wrong answers. A lot of people just grab any kind of cup from their leftover Tupperware drawer, and postulate that they’re giving the right amount. To demonstrate how far wrong that can be, we’ve created an array of some cups that people have used to measure pet food. As you can see, many of them hold more than the recommended amount. We’ve shown the remainder as graphically as possible.

jessie thinks this is a cup (1)

Jessie only wishes this were a cup…

Of course, some animals need greater than a cup, and some less than, but the important thing is that the cup itself be exactly equal to – one cup.

Sliding scale. The quantity of food we recommend is based on your pet’s weight, age, and activity level. The amount – and the type – of food will decrease as Euclid ages. As health needs change, we may recommend a different kind of food. And yes, we do use an algorithm to calculate it.

The axiom is this: let the cup – be a cup. No more. No less. If you are in doubt about how much food your feeding cup really holds, come ask us, and we’ll measure. Because in math – and when feeding your pet – accuracy counts!

PS These cups *are* cups: