feeding your petWhat and how much to feed your pet? This is a question every pet owner must face from the moment they come into your home. There are so many variables when it comes to feeding your pet, the most reliable source will always be your own pet’s veterinarian. By working together, we’ll be able to formulate what foods and treats will make your pet thrive.
Several factors will affect the type, serving size and feeding schedule you’ll adopt for your pet including:

  • The kind of pet you have. They each have their own dietary needs.
  • The age and gender of your pet.
  • Your pet’s size and weight.
  • The amount of daily exercise your pet gets.
  • Specific breed, since some are more prone to allergies and other problems.
  • Whether or not your pet has been spayed or neutered.
  • If your pet spends most of it’s time inside or outside
  • Medical conditions, if any.
  • The quality of food. Higher quality foods have fewer fillers and you feed less.