You remember being prompted as a child. “What do you say?”

All our lives we’ve been reminded to give thanks. With all that’s going on this year, it’s more important than ever to take a minute and concentrate on the things for which we need to express our gratitude.

At Town N Country, we are thankful that we are a hospital that was able to stay open throughout the eight week lockdown at the beginning of the pandemic. The hardest part was the fact that we couldn’t see our humans face to face. Nonetheless, you were understanding, followed the guidelines, and showed patience and grace. Because you put your pets first, we were able to continue to care for them. And because you are still helping us to be as careful as we can be, we have been able to transition back to seeing many of you in the hospital along with your furry friends.

We are thankful for our patients that love our fear free approach to each visit. It will take some time to win all of the nervous cats and dogs over to us, but just seeing one dog or one cat be a little less fearful and more trusting with each visit brings us so much joy!

We are thankful for each other. Although we’ve added new faces to our ranks, we are still blessed to have staff members that have grown up (and yes, grown older) in our practice. We are grateful for the new eyes and approaches new staff add, but also appreciate the stability and reliability of those who have worked 5, 10, 20, 30+ years at Town N Country.

We are thankful for new medications, new technology, new procedures, new discoveries that help us to take better care of our pets, giving them healthier and longer lives to enjoy sharing more Thanksgivings with them.

As we approach Thanksgiving Day, don’t forget to give thanks. Even if you’re already decorating your tree (and we don’t blame you one bit!) – take some time to reflect on the things for which you should be grateful.

“What do you say?”

Image by Gerhard G. from Pixabay